Self-Editing for Fiction Writers

Use the best practices followed by professional editors
rather than paying someone else to edit your work.

  • edit without hating it, without judgment
  • learn self-editing techniques to create the best story possible
  • save time and money – and produce a quality manuscript
  • become more attractive to publishers and readers

This hour & a half class will present an overview of the different types of editing and provide practical exercises and guides professional editors follow.

Wed., Jan. 15 7PM ET Cost is $49 (No refunds.)

Whether you’re . . .

  • a plotter whose writing has become mechanical with stunted characters
  • a pantser whose writing has potholes as they follow one idea, then another
  • a plantser, whose meandering plot lines sometimes result in a middle muddle

You’re in the right place!

Dorothy Parker wrote, “I hate writing; I love having written.”
Maybe you love writing, but hate editing?
Come to love editing what you have written.

Your Instructor: Ellen Higgins, Ph.D. I have worked as professional writer, editor, researcher, and instructor for over 30 years, teaching mostly on the college and adult ed level. Specializing in English language and literature, I have helped writers with the essentials of getting their voice and vision into print, from undergraduates to published authors. More than 15 of those years have been in popular continuing ed. Writing Workshops, taught in person and online. For tips and info on writing and opportunities for writers, see my newsletter.